Do you enjoy playing sport but worry about getting knocked in your mouth or teeth?

Do you have children who play sport and want to protect their teeth?

Wearing a custom fitted sports mouthguard can protect your mouth and teeth against injuries and high medical bills.

Dental sport mouthguards can protect you from serious injuries such as:

  • Broken or knocked-out teeth,
  • Cuts in the lips and tongue and
  • Broken jaws.

You may think that wearing a custom fitted sports mouthguard is only needed for contact sports such as rugby, soccer, AFL, hockey and boxing. But even non-contact sports such as netball, basketball, soccer, cricket, mountain biking and skateboarding can carry a risk of serious accidental injury to your mouth and teeth.

Key facts about dental mouthguards for sport

A sports mouthguard needs to distribute the forces of an impact across a wide surface area. Our custom-fitted sports mouthguards give you a snug fit and the best protection

We make an impression and mould of your mouth that fits the exact contours of your mouth, including your bite. Your sports mouthguard is then fabricated in a local dental laboratory. Your sports mouthguard thickness will depend on your age and the type of sport you play. To make your mouthguard unique there are various colours available. We can also embed your name and contact number in it.

A custom-fitted sport mouthguard is the gold standard in sports mouthguards because they:

  • Are a perfect fit to your mouth and are comfortable
  • Stay on and don’t drop down
  • Allow you to talk freely
  • Don’t interfere with your breathing
  • Provide maximum protection of your mouth.

Sports MouthguardsTo prevent injuries from happening, custom-fitted sports mouthguards provide maximum protection. Compared to the significant physical and financial costs involved with serious injuries, a properly fitted sports mouthguard is a worthwhile investment.

How does a sport mouthguard provide protection?

A dental mouthguard for sport works by absorbing and spreading the impact of the damaging blow from the sports accident. Having a thick layer of rubber protecting your mouth and teeth decreases the impact of any hit you may receive. A custom-fitted dental mouthguard works the best, as it’s designed to fit the exact shape of your mouth for maximum protection.

Key facts about boil and bite sports mouthguards

You may have seen sports mouthguards for sale at chemists or sports stores. Although they’re cheaper than a custom-fitted sports mouthguard they only come in a few sizes, resulting in an inferior fit.

Cheap sports mouthguards needs to be softened in hot water and self-fitted by biting and pressing into the rubber. These mouthguards will usually shift and fall down when you open your mouth.

Boil and bite mouthguards are not recommended for sports mouthguards because they:

  • Don’t provide adequate protection.
  • Are ill-fitting, loose and uncomfortable
  • Drop down when you speak
  • Interfere with your speech and breathing.

How do you care for a sports mouthguard?

Mouthguards are made from silicone and if they become too warm they’ll distort. To maximise the life of your sports mouthguard we recommend you keep it cool and clean.

Important care instructions for a custom-fitted dental mouthguard:

  • Rinse with cold water after each use
  • Keep it in the hard plastic container provided
  • Keep it out of direct sunlight
  • Bring it to every dental check-up appointment to be reassessed

It’s important to note that if new adult teeth come through or you’re having orthodontic treatment, the shape of your mouth will change. If your mouthguard doesn’t fit very well, it may be time to have a new one made.